I am a bit of a medal enthusiast and I try to earn most of them when I start a game with medals.
Almost all medals work as they should and that is great! This post, however, was not made for these medals but for a very ugly reason: to mention those that does not.
That a medal is listed here is either because I earned it without completing the task for it, or because I completed the task for it without earning the medal.
I start with the game Gravinaytor:
Medal: Speed-Demon - It is for finishing the game in less than 20 minutes. I got it and am pretty sure it took me more than that. The amount of players that have got this medal is the same as the amount that have got the medal for just completing the game.
Medal: Still Alive - It is for finishing the game in one session without dying or restarting. I am sure I did that, played from the beginning, but did not get the medal.
Mega Miner:
Medal: Black Box - This is a great game. I have completed all missions including Black Box. It is the only medal I did not get. I took the box itself when my hold was full.
No one has obtained any medal since 11th May 2013. I have tried with some.
Alien Hunter:
Medal: Miles & Miles! - Just the programmer of the game has earned it. It says I must travel at least 50 miles or 50000 miles but it is possible to travel 50000000 miles in one launch if you are fully upgraded.
Monochrome Obstacles:
Medal: One Hour Playtime - I am sure I had not played for an hour when I got the medal. Now I have.
Next Action Frog:
Medal: 30 Lives - I cheated to get this medal.
Medal: The Next Videogame Star - Cheated.
Cap Stack:
Medal: Touch The Sky - I cheated by pressing the forward and backward buttons. It was still hard.
End of list : J
Now I'm jirst.