My Everybody Edits account asdfghjklo got banned 13th September 2015. I guess it is a permanent ban. I cannot join worlds, not even my own. I cannot even load my profile and since I do not know any world ID I am probably not going to join any world owned by asdfghjklo again. This is very bad. Sure I can create yet another account but how can I protect it from getting banned? About 565 accounts created by me have already got locked. Asdfghjklo was not a noob account. I had used it for about half a year and played with it about an hour per day. This is the second longest usage of any of my account. I had JME for 9 months. Something weird is that I can still buy stuff. I just recently bought a huge saved world. What is the point? It will never be used.
This means, since I have less time playing EE, that I am probably going to be on NG more and spam more.
On the plus side: I found out the same evening I noticed that asdfghjklo got banned that something similar to my childhood favourite TV series has started this year. Its name is Battlebots and I see forward to follow it on Youtube. NOW I HATE TV! ...and much more.
Reading this: "This means, since I have less time playing EE, that I am probably going to be on NG more and spam more." made me realize the nature of your comments in my post hahahaha. Have a good day, and please, explain me what does JJ mean... Please?
haha. I tried an old trick that sadly did not work. It is to flood the submit button to get the message submitted for every click. With that tactic I can send hundreds of message in a minute. It worked some weeks ago.
JJ does not mean anything. J is my favourite letter and two characters and then another(space or enter in this case) is effective to spam. JJ became my slogan. JJ JJ because of the character limit.
Happy birthday!